Love Day - On the 14th of February of every year, SYDP donates sanitary essentials to grade 12 learners.
The contributions come from ordinary members of the society. From 2018 until 2020, the chosen school in which the organization did this was Khutliso Daniels Secondary School. This school was chosen as one of the underperforming schools in the Makhanda District.
Since 2021, seeing the effect the event has towards tacking socio-economic issues, SYDP added two more underperforming schools, namely Nathaniel Nyaluza Secondary School and TEM Mrwetyana Secondary School respectively. On this annual event, grade 12 learners of the above-mentioned schools exchange sanitary essentials as gifts.
This creates a platform in which the learners can show love to one another. Males hand over sanitary pads and soaps to females. On the other hand, females hand over roll-ons and soaps to males. The idea behind this event is to eliminate the stigma associated with menstruation. SYDP wishes to extend this gesture to learners in lower grades (between grade 8 and 11) in all three underperforming high schools. However, this requires the organization to have more financial power. At the moment, the organization relies on donations made by ordinary members of the society. Occasionally, on such a day, the organization invites speakers like Mr. Mafa Bhavuma who works at Umhlobo Wenene FM Radio Station to come and say a few words of wisdom, encouragement or inspiration. The invited speaker(s) are encouraged to share a bit about their respective journeys in general, in an attempt to impart or equip the learners with something tangible that they can use to soldier on, when the need arises. Needless to say, between 2020-2021, due to a global pandemic (COVID-19), the organization has had to change its strategy or approach by adapting to what has been affectionately known as the “new normal”. As such, few SYDP members drop off the gifts for distribution by the teachers.